
Since its start in 2015, the EUSSET Summer School has had the “who’s who” of CSCW as its lecturers. Each year, dedicated senior scholars contribute to the school by attending as lecturers during the final seminar but also online in various capacities.

In this page we try to collect a list of our alumni teachers and lecturers. If you think a name is missing, please let us know.

List under development!!

  • Myriam Lewkowicz. Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT). France.
  • Ina Wagner. Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien). Austria.
  • Claus Bossen. Aarhus University. Denmark.
  • Konstantin Aal. University of Siegen. Germany.
  • David Randall. University of Siegen. Germany.
  • Tone Bratteteig. University of Oslo. Norway.
  • Hilda Tellioğlu. Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien). Austria.
  • Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien). Austria.